EU – cooperation and development, call 2016 DEAR

The European Commission announced the launch of the Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR) programme call for proposals


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 DEAR Programme

DEAR supports projects designed and led by Civil Society Organiqations and Local Authorities (LAs), on topics such as climate change, migration or gender equality, workers' rights, and sustainable consumption.

The DEAR programme is taken forward primarily through actions implemented by non-state actors and local authorities in the EU and acceding countries. Its objectives are to:

  • inform EU citizens about development issues and foster awareness and understanding of global development and recognition of interdependence;
  • mobilise greater public support for action against poverty and fairer relations between developed and developing countries;
  • change attitudes, provide the European public with tools to engage critically with global developments and support the emergence of new ideas on development issues.

To achieve these objectives, the DEAR programme focuses on two lines of action:

  1. Global Learning, to foster knowledge and competences to engage with development issues, through the use of participatory and experiential education methodologies, either within or outside the formal education system;
  2. Campaigning and Advocacy, where the objective is to support citizen involvement and advocacy for more sustainable policies, political and economic structures and individual practices, in relation to global development.

The European Commission has been playing an important role in facilitating dialogue among DEAR policy-makers and practitioners, fostering capacity development among DEAR partners and supporting capacity development and networking activities of the EU-funded DEAR projects.

Call DEAR 2016

EU Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, Neven Mimica, announced the launch of the Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR) programme call for proposals at the Civil Society Forum (March 17-18, Brussels). The 2016 DEAR call for proposals will provide a total of around 90 million of euros to European Civil Society Organisations and Local Authorities in order to achieve the above mentioned objectives.

credit: angelinegragasin via / CC BY-NC-ND

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