Horizon 2020 - Sfida sociale 6, bozza del Work programme 2016-2017

Ammonta a oltre 320 milioni di euro il budget del programma di lavoro provvisorio 2016-2017 della sesta sfida sociale di Horizon 2020


La Commissione europea ha pubblicato la bozza del Programma di lavoro provvisorio della sfida sociale 6 di Horizon 2020, ‘Europe in a changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective Societies’. L’approvazione del Work programme definitivo è prevista per metà ottobre.

Il Programma di lavoro affronta le sfide chiave nell’attuale contesto sociale europeo, con particolare attenzione alle migrazioni transfrontaliere e all’inclusione sociale.


Tra gli strumenti previsti dal work programme ci sono 4 inviti a presentare proposte:


  • CO-CREATION-01-2017: Education and skills: empowering Europe’s young innovators CO-CREATION-02-2016: User-driven innovation: value creation through design-enabled innovation
  • CO-CREATION-03-2016: Piloting demand-driven collaborative innovation models in Europe  CO-CREATION-04-2017: Applied co-creation to deliver public services
  • CO-CREATION-05-2016: Co-creation between public administrations: once-only principle  CO-CREATION-06-2017: Policy-development in the age of big data: data-driven policymaking, policy-modelling and policy-implementation
  • CO-CREATION-07-2017: Towards a new growth strategy in Europe - Improved economic and social measurement, data and official statistics
  • CO-CREATION-08-2016/2017: Better integration of evidence on the impact of research and innovation in policy making
  • CO-CREATION-09-2016: A European map of knowledge production and co-creation in support of research and innovation for societal challenges


  • REV-INEQUAL-01-2016: An empirically informed European theory of justice and fairness 
  • REV-INEQUAL-02-2016: Contemporary radicalisation trends and their implications for Europe 
  • REV-INEQUAL-03-2016: Dynamics of inequalities across the life-course
  • REV-INEQUAL-04-2016: Intra-EU mobility and its impacts for social and economic systems
  • REV-INEQUAL-05-2016: Inequalities in the EU and their consequences for democracy, social cohesion and inclusion
  • REV-INEQUAL-06-2016: Tackling inequalities at their roots: new policies for fairness in education from early age
  • REV-INEQUAL-07-2016: Spatial justice, social cohesion and territorial inequalities
  • REV-INEQUAL-08-2016: Fighting inequalities through policies against tax fraud and tax evasion
  • REV-INEQUAL-09-2017: Boosting inclusiveness of ICT-enabled research and innovation 
  • REV-INEQUAL-10-2016: Multi-stakeholder platform for enhancing youth digital opportunities


  • ENG-GLOBALLY-01-2017: Strengthening Europe's position in the global context: science diplomacy and intercultural relations
  • ENG-GLOBALLY-02-2017: Shifting global geopolitics and Europe's preparedness for managing risks, mitigation actions and fostering peace
  • ENG-GLOBALLY-03-2017: The European Union and the global challenge of migration
  • ENG-GLOBALLY-04-2017: Science diplomacy for EU neighbourhood policies
  • ENG-GLOBALLY-05-2017: The strategic potential of EU external trade policy
  • ENG-GLOBALLY-06-2017: The Asia-Pacific as a strategic region for Europe
  • ENG-GLOBALLY-07-2017: The European Union and Central Asia
  • ENG-GLOBALLY-08-2016/2017: EU-China cooperation on sustainable urbanisation
  • ENG-GLOBALLY-09-2016: Centres/Networks of European research and innovation


  • CULT-COOP-01-2017: Democratic discourses and the rule of law
  • CULT-COOP-02-2017: Improving mutual understanding among Europeans by working through troubled pasts
  • CULT-COOP-03-2017: Cultural literacy of young generations in Europe
  • CULT-COOP-04-2017: Contemporary histories of Europe in artistic and creative practices 
  • CULT-COOP-05-2017: Religious diversity in Europe - past, present and future 
  • CULT-COOP-06-2017: Participatory approaches and social innovation in culture
  • CULT-COOP-07-2017: Cultural heritage of European coastal and maritime regions
  • CULT-COOP-08-2016: Virtual museums and social platform on European digital heritage, memory, identity and cultural interaction
  • CULT-COOP-09-2017: European cultural heritage, access and analysis for a richer interpretation of the past
  • CULT-COOP-10-2017: Culture, integration and European public space
  • CULT-COOP-11-2016/2017: Understanding the transformation of European public administrations.

Altre misure

Il programma di lavoro prevede anche altre misure, tra cui:

  • l'accesso al Fast track to innovation scheme,
  • l'accesso allo strumento per le PMI,
  • premi (European Capital of Innovation prize, European Social Innovation Competition, Horizon Prize for Social Innovation in Europe),
  • gare d’appalto,
  • coinvolgimento di esperti per attvità di valutazione e supporto.

I progetti selezionati parteciperanno automaticamente al progetto pilota Open Research Data Pilot per il libero accesso ai risultati delle ricerche finanziate dall’Ue.

Il budget provvisorio del Programma di lavoro ammonta a più di 320 milioni di euro, di cui 155 milioni di euro per il 2016 e circa 165 milioni di euro per il 2017.

Bozza del programma di lavoro 2016-2017
Horizon 2020 - a ottobre Work Programme settore Trasporti 2016-2017
Seal of Excellence – sigillo di qualita' per sinergie tra fondi SIE e Horizon 2020

Photo credit: openDemocracy / Foter / CC BY-SA


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