EU: Call for expressions of interest to establish a pool of experts to the Panel for the European Capital of Culture Action - EAC/A03/2021
Call for expressions of interest to establish a pool of experts to the Panel for the European Capital of Culture Action - EAC/A03/2021.
This open call for expressions of interest is managed by the European Commission, Directorate-General Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, Directorate Culture and Creativity. The European Commission issues this call with the aim of establishing a pool of potential "European experts" for the Panel.
The European Parliament, the Council and the Commission will subsequently select three experts each from this pool – and the Committee of the Regions one expert from this pool – and appoint them as members of the Panel in accordance with their respective procedures. In selecting experts, each of these Union institutions and bodies will seek to ensure a complementarity of the competences, a balanced geographical distribution and a gender balance in the overall composition of the Panel.
The "European experts" are appointed for a period of three years.
The call is open to natural persons who are citizens of the European Union and are independent. Applicants must demonstrate through their CV either at least eight years of professional experience and expertise in the cultural sector or at least eight years of professional experience and expertise in the cultural development of cities or at least four years of professional experience and expertise in the organisation of a European Capital of Culture / an international cultural event of similar scope and scale, whatever the cultural field.
The applicants have to be available to devote an appropriate number of working days per year to the Panel. Average estimations based on past experience indicate the number of working days to be approximately 25 to 40 per year. This includes an average of 6 working days for pre-selection, 4 days for selection and 2 days for the monitoring of each city. They take into account the preparatory work, the attendance to the meetings, the reporting work and the possible on-site visits. The number of working days may vary a lot from one year to the other, depending on the number of candidate cities in the competitions organised each year. According to the circumstances, the annual workload for appointed Panel experts may be higher or lower than these estimations.
English is the working language of the Panel. Applicants must demonstrate through the activities included in their CVs their ability to work in English level C1, both orally and in writing.
The contract signed between the Commission and each Panel member nominated by Union institutions and bodies will indicate the remuneration Panel members are entitled to for the various tasks they will have to carry out (see Article 4 of attached draft contract). In principle, each member will be entitled to a payment of a fixed price of EUR 500 in the form of a lump sum for each full day actually worked.
The contract signed between the Commission and each Panel member nominated by Union institutions and bodies will also indicate the reimbursement of expenses and allowances Panel members are entitled to for meeting(s) and other work involving travel (see Article 5 of attached draft contract).
Deadline for submission of the expression of interest: 30 December 2027.
Applicants are asked to submit their application in English by using the online form available at the following address: