Riformare la regolamentazione delle professioni: risultati della valutazione reciproca e prospettive


18 Maggio 2016 09:00

Riformare la regolamentazione delle professioni: risultati della valutazione reciproca e prospettive

The conference will focus on the work EU countries have done in the last two years to review their national regulation and on what they propose in terms of regulatory reform.

Stakeholders, including national authorities and professional organisations, will discuss the mutual evaluation of regulated professions, its results and national action plans to address outdated or disproportionate regulation. Stakeholders will also have an opportunity to discuss the follow-up measures to improve access to professions announced by the European Commission in the Single Market Strategy last October. Finally, the event will also shed light on the empirical evidence gathered to support these actions and to illustrate the importance and economic impact of regulated professions in Europe. New case studies and the results of a recent EU-wide survey on occupational regulation will be presented for the first time and discussed in the presence of the authors and other expert economists. Participants are encouraged to engage in the debate and express their opinions on the issues that will be presented.


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