Horizon - work programme 2018-2020 per il settore energia

Energia H2020Oltre 2,2 miliardi di euro per il nuovo programma di lavoro Horizon 2020 dedicato al settore dell'energia.

Horizon - Work programme 2018-2020 per agricoltura sostenibile

Horizon - Work programme 2018-2020 per il settore trasporti 

La Commissione Ue ha pubblicato il programma di lavoro definitivo 2018-2020 'Secure, clean and efficient energy' nell'ambito del programma europeo per la ricerca e l'innovazione Horizon 2020. Le risorse a disposizione ammontano a oltre 2,2 miliardi di euro.

> Scopri il programma Horizon 2020

Work programme Energia 2018-2020

Il work programme 2018-2020 sostiene attività di ricerca e innovazione correlate alle priorità della strategia per l'Unione dell'energia, tra cui: energia rinnovabile, sistemi energetici intelligenti, efficienza energetica, cattura e sequestro del carbonio (CCUS).

Il programma di lavoro include anche una serie di azioni specifiche per accrescere la cooperazione tra gli Stati membri e i Paesi associati nell’ambito di Mission Innovation, iniziativa globale lanciata dall’Unione e 22 Paesi - cui aderisce, per l’Italia, il Ministero dello Sviluppo economico - per accelerare i processi di innovazione delle tecnologie pulite e raddoppiare gli investimenti nel settore.

Cosa finanzia il nuovo programma di lavoro

Il programma di lavoro per il periodo 2018-2020 prevede una call suddivisa in vari argomenti (topic):


Il bando intende contribuire al raggiungimento degli obiettivi dell'accordo di Parigi sul clima, attraverso concrete azioni di ricerca e innovazione volte ad accelerare la trasformazione dei sistemi energetici.

I progetti finanziati dalla call dovranno sviluppare nuove tecnologie da integrare in processi a basse emissioni ed accrescere l'efficienza energetica, tenendo in considerazione l'impatto dei cambiamenti climatici.

Energy efficiency 

Upgrading buildings' energy performance and smartness

  • LC-SC3-EE-1-2018-2019-2020: Decarbonisation of the EU building stock: innovative approaches and affordable solutions changing the market for buildings renovation 
  • LC-SC3-EE-2-2018-2019: Integrated home renovation services
  • LC-SC3-EE-3-2019-2020: Stimulating demand for sustainable energy skills in the construction sector
  • LC-SC3-EE-4-2019-2020: Upgrading smartness of existing buildings through innovations for legacy equipment
  • LC-SC3-EE-5-2018-2019-2020: Next-generation of Energy Performance Assessment and Certification Energy efficient industry and services 
  • LC-SC3-EE-6-2018-2019-2020: Business case for industrial waste heat/cold recovery
  • LC-SC3-EE-8-2018-2019: Capacity building programmes to support implementation of energy audits

Energy efficiency is an investment

  • LC-SC3-EE-9-2018-2019: Innovative financing for energy efficiency investments
  • LC-SC3-EE-10-2018-2019-2020: Mainstreaming energy efficiency finance
  • LC-SC3-EE-11-2018-2019-2020: Aggregation - Project Development Assistance

Energy efficiency is an energy source

  • LC-SC3-EE-13-2018-2019-2020: Enabling next-generation of smart energy services valorising energy efficiency and flexibility at demand-side as energy resource 
  • LC-SC3-EE-14-2018-2019-2020: Socio-economic research conceptualising and modelling energy efficiency and energy demand

Support for policy-driven innovations 

  • LC-SC3-EE-15-2018: New energy label driving and boosting innovation in products energy efficiency
  • LC-SC3-EE-16-2018-2019-2020: Supporting public authorities to implement the Energy Union
  • LC-SC3-EE-17-2019: European City facility - European Cities as key innovation hubs to unlock finance for energy efficiency

Global leadership in renewables

Next Renewable energy solutions

  • LC-SC3-RES-1-2019-2020: Developing the next generation of renewable energy technologies
  • LC-SC3-RES-2-2018: Disruptive innovation in clean energy technologies

Renewable energy solutions for implementation at consumer scale

  • LC-SC3-RES-4-2018: Renewable energy system integrated at the building scale
  • LC-SC3-RES-5-2018: Increased performance of technologies for local heating and cooling solutions 
  • LC-SC3-RES-6-2018: Demonstrate significant cost reduction for Building Integrated PV (BIPV) solutions
  • LC-SC3-RES-7-2019: Solar Energy in Industrial Processes
  • LC-SC3-RES-8-2019: Combining Renewable Technologies for a Renewable District Heating and/or Cooling System 

Renewable energy solutions for energy system level implementation

  • LC-SC3-RES-11-2018: Developing solutions to reduce the cost and increase performance of renewable technologies
  • LC-SC3-RES-12-2018: Demonstrate highly performant renewable technologies for combined heat and power (CHP) generation and their integration in the EU's energy system 
  • LC-SC3-RES-13-2018: Demonstrate solutions that significantly reduce the cost of renewable power generation
  • LC-SC3-RES-14-2019: Optimising manufacturing and system operation
  • LC-SC3-RES-15-2019: Increase the competitiveness of the EU PV manufacturing industry
  • LC-SC3-RES-16-2019: Development of solutions based on renewable sources that provide flexibility to the energy system
  • LC-SC3-RES-17-2019: Demonstration of solutions based on renewable sources that provide flexibility to the energy system

Renewable Fuels for transport

  • LC-SC3-RES-21-2018: Development of next generation biofuels and alternative renewable fuel technologies for road transport
  • LC-SC3-RES-22-2018: Demonstration of cost effective advanced biofuel pathways in retrofitted existing industrial installations
  • LC-SC3-RES-23-2019: Development of next generation biofuel and alternative renewable fuel technologies for aviation and shipping
  • LC-SC3-RES-24-2019: Boosting pre-commercial production of advanced aviation biofuels

Market Uptake Support

  • LC-SC3-RES-28-2018-2019-2020: Market Uptake support

Smart and clean energy for consumers

  • LC-SC3-EC-1-2018-2019-2020: The role of consumers in changing the market through informed decision and collective actions
  • LC-SC3-EC-2-2018-2019-2020: Mitigating household energy poverty
  • LC-SC3-EC-3-2020 - Consumer engagement and demand response

Smart citizen-centred energy system

  • LC-SC3-ES-1-2019: Flexibility and retail market options for the distribution grid
  • LC-SC3-ES-2-2019: Solutions for increased regional cross-border cooperation in the transmission grid
  • LC-SC3-ES-3-2018-2020: Integrated local energy systems (Energy islands)
  • LC-SC3-ES-4-2018-2020: Decarbonising energy systems of geographical Islands
  • LC-SC3-ES-5-2018-2020: TSO – DSO – Consumer: Large-scale demonstrations of innovative grid services through demand response, storage and small-scale (RES) generation 
  • LC-SC3-ES-6-2019: Research on advanced tools and technological development
  • LC-SC3-ES-7-2018: Pan-European Forum for R&I on Smart Grids, Flexibility and Local Energy Networks
  • LC-SC3-ES-8-2019: European Islands Facility - Unlock financing for energy transitions and supporting islands to develop investment concepts

Smart Cities and Communities

  • LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020: Smart Cities and Communities

Enabling near-zero CO2 emissions from fossil fuel power plants and carbon intensive industries

  • LC-SC3-NZE-1-2018: Advanced CO2 capture technologies
  • CE-SC3-NZE-2-2018: Conversion of captured CO2
  • LC-SC3-NZE-3-2018: Strategic planning for CCUS development
  • LC-SC3-NZE-4-2019: Integrated solutions for flexible operation of fossil fuel power plants through power-to-X-to-power and/or energy storage 
  • LC-SC3-NZE-5-2019-2020: Low carbon industrial production using CCUS
  • LC-SC3-NZE-6-2020: Geological Storage Pilots

Joint Actions

  • LC-SC3-JA-1-2018: Joint programming actions to foster innovative energy solutions
  • LC-SC3-JA-2-2018: Support to the realisation of the Implementation Plans of the SET Plan 
  • LC-SC3-JA-3-2019: European Pre-Commercial Procurement Programme for Wave Energy Research &Development
  • LC-SC3-JA-4-2018: Support action in preparation of a Joint Programming activity
  • LC-SC3-JA-5-2019: Joint Programming with EU and African partners for a R&I actions in the area of renewable energy

Cross-cutting issues

  • LC-SC3-CC-1-2018-2019-2020: Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) aspects of the Clean-Energy Transition
  • LC-SC3-CC-2-2018: Modelling in support to the transition to a Low-Carbon Energy System in Europe
  • LC-SC3-CC-3-2019: Support for the opening of low-carbon energy research databases in Europe
  • LC-SC3-CC-4-2018: Support to sectorial fora
  • LC-SC3-CC-5-2018: Research, innovation and educational capacities for energy transition
  • LC-SC3-CC-6-2018: Transition in coal intensive regions

Nel documento sono illustrati anche i potenziali topic di ulteriori bandi per il 2020 insieme ad altre azioni.


Sono previste diverse scadenze per la presentazione delle domande:


Energy efficiency 

Upgrading buildings' energy performance and smartness

  • LC-SC3-EE-1-2018-2019-2020: Decarbonisation of the EU building stock: innovative approaches and affordable solutions changing the market for buildings renovation: dal 25 gennaio 2018 al 4 settembre 2018; dal 24 gennaio 2019 al 3 settembre 2019;
  • LC-SC3-EE-2-2018-2019: Integrated home renovation services: dal 25 gennaio 2018 al 4 settembre 2018; dal 24 gennaio 2019 al 3 settembre 2019;
  • LC-SC3-EE-3-2019-2020: Stimulating demand for sustainable energy skills in the construction sector: dal 24 gennaio 2019 al 3 settembre 2019;
  • LC-SC3-EE-4-2019-2020: Upgrading smartness of existing buildings through innovations for legacy equipment: dal 24 gennaio 2019 al 3 settembre 2019;
  • LC-SC3-EE-5-2018-2019-2020: Next-generation of Energy Performance Assessment and Certification Energy efficient industry and services: dal 25 gennaio 2018 al 4 settembre 2018; dal 24 gennaio 2019 al 3 settembre 2019;
  • LC-SC3-EE-6-2018-2019-2020: Business case for industrial waste heat/cold recovery: dal 25 gennaio 2018 al 4 settembre 2018; dal 24 gennaio 2019 al 3 settembre 2019;
  • LC-SC3-EE-8-2018-2019: Capacity building programmes to support implementation of energy audits: dal 25 gennaio 2018 al 4 settembre 2018; dal 24 gennaio 2019 al 3 settembre 2019;

Energy efficiency is an investment

  • LC-SC3-EE-9-2018-2019: Innovative financing for energy efficiency investments: dal 25 gennaio 2018 al 4 settembre 2018; dal 24 gennaio 2019 al 3 settembre 2019;
  • LC-SC3-EE-10-2018-2019-2020: Mainstreaming energy efficiency finance: dal 25 gennaio 2018 al 4 settembre 2018; dal 24 gennaio 2019 al 3 settembre 2019;
  • LC-SC3-EE-11-2018-2019-2020: Aggregation - Project Development Assistance: dal 25 gennaio 2018 al 4 settembre 2018; dal 24 gennaio 2019 al 3 settembre 2019;

Energy efficiency is an energy source

  • LC-SC3-EE-13-2018-2019-2020: Enabling next-generation of smart energy services valorising energy efficiency and flexibility at demand-side as energy resource: dal 25 gennaio 2018 al 4 settembre 2018; dal 24 gennaio 2019 al 3 settembre 2019;
  • LC-SC3-EE-14-2018-2019-2020: Socio-economic research conceptualising and modelling energy efficiency and energy demand: dal 25 gennaio 2018 al 4 settembre 2018; dal 24 gennaio 2019 al 3 settembre 2019;

Support for policy-driven innovations 

  • LC-SC3-EE-15-2018: New energy label driving and boosting innovation in products energy efficiency: dal 25 gennaio 2018 al 4 settembre 2018;
  • LC-SC3-EE-16-2018-2019-2020: Supporting public authorities to implement the Energy Union: dal 25 gennaio 2018 al 4 settembre 2018; dal 24 gennaio 2019 al 3 settembre 2019;
  • LC-SC3-EE-17-2019: European City facility - European Cities as key innovation hubs to unlock finance for energy efficiency: dal 7 giugno 2018 al 13 novembre 2018;

Global leadership in renewables

Next Renewable energy solutions

  • LC-SC3-RES-1-2019-2020: Developing the next generation of renewable energy technologies: dal 1° agosto 2018 al 16 ottobre 2018 (first stage), al 25 aprile 2019 (second stage);
  • LC-SC3-RES-2-2018: Disruptive innovation in clean energy technologies: dal 5 dicembre 2017 al 5 aprile 2018;

Renewable energy solutions for implementation at consumer scale

  • LC-SC3-RES-4-2018: Renewable energy system integrated at the building scale: dal 31 ottobre 2017 al 31 gennaio 2018 (first stage), al 23 agosto 2018 (second stage);
  • LC-SC3-RES-5-2018: Increased performance of technologies for local heating and cooling solutions: dal 31 ottobre 2017 al 13 febbraio 2018;
  • LC-SC3-RES-6-2018: Demonstrate significant cost reduction for Building Integrated PV (BIPV) solutions: dal 31 ottobre 2017 al 13 febbraio 2018;
  • LC-SC3-RES-7-2019: Solar Energy in Industrial Processes: dal 7 maggio 2019 al 27 agosto 2019;
  • LC-SC3-RES-8-2019: Combining Renewable Technologies for a Renewable District Heating and/or Cooling System: dal 5 settembre 2018 all'11 dicembre 2018;

Renewable energy solutions for energy system level implementation

  • LC-SC3-RES-11-2018: Developing solutions to reduce the cost and increase performance of renewable technologies: dal 31 ottobre 2017 al 31 gennaio 2018 (first stage), al 23 agosto 2018 (second stage);
  • LC-SC3-RES-12-2018: Demonstrate highly performant renewable technologies for combined heat and power (CHP) generation and their integration in the EU's energy system: dal 31 ottobre 2017 al 13 febbraio 2018;
  • LC-SC3-RES-13-2018: Demonstrate solutions that significantly reduce the cost of renewable power generation: dal 31 ottobre 2017 al 13 febbraio 2018;
  • LC-SC3-RES-14-2019: Optimising manufacturing and system operation: dal 1° agosto 2018 al 16 ottobre 2018 (first stage), al 25 aprile 2019 (second stage);
  • LC-SC3-RES-15-2019: Increase the competitiveness of the EU PV manufacturing industry: dal 5 settembre 2018 all'11 dicembre 2018;
  • LC-SC3-RES-16-2019: Development of solutions based on renewable sources that provide flexibility to the energy system: dal 7 maggio 2019 al 27 agosto 2019;
  • LC-SC3-RES-17-2019: Demonstration of solutions based on renewable sources that provide flexibility to the energy system: dal 5 settembre 2018 all'11 dicembre 2018;

Renewable Fuels for transport

  • LC-SC3-RES-21-2018: Development of next generation biofuels and alternative renewable fuel technologies for road transport: dal 31 ottobre 2017 al 13 febbraio 2018;
  • LC-SC3-RES-22-2018: Demonstration of cost effective advanced biofuel pathways in retrofitted existing industrial installations: dal 5 dicembre 2017 al 5 aprile 2018;
  • LC-SC3-RES-23-2019: Development of next generation biofuel and alternative renewable fuel technologies for aviation and shipping: dal 7 maggio 2019 al 27 agosto 2019;
  • LC-SC3-RES-24-2019: Boosting pre-commercial production of advanced aviation biofuels: dal 5 settembre 2018 all'11 dicembre 2018;

Market Uptake Support

  • LC-SC3-RES-28-2018-2019-2020: Market Uptake support: dal 31 ottobre 2017 al 13 febbraio 2018; dal 5 settembre 2018 all'11 dicembre 2018;

Smart and clean energy for consumers

  • LC-SC3-EC-1-2018-2019-2020: The role of consumers in changing the market through informed decision and collective actions: dal 25 gennaio 2018 al 4 settembre 2018; dal 24 gennaio 2019 al 3 settembre 2019;
  • LC-SC3-EC-2-2018-2019-2020: Mitigating household energy poverty: dal 25 gennaio 2018 al 4 settembre 2018; dal 24 gennaio 2019 al 3 settembre 2019;

Smart citizen-centred energy system

  • LC-SC3-ES-1-2019: Flexibility and retail market options for the distribution grid: dal 5 settembre 2018 al 5 febbraio 2019;
  • LC-SC3-ES-2-2019: Solutions for increased regional cross-border cooperation in the transmission grid: dal 5 settembre 2018 al 5 febbraio 2019;
  • LC-SC3-ES-3-2018-2020: Integrated local energy systems (Energy islands): dal 5 dicembre 2017 al 5 aprile 2018;
  • LC-SC3-ES-4-2018-2020: Decarbonising energy systems of geographical Islands: dal 5 dicembre 2017 al 5 aprile 2018;
  • LC-SC3-ES-5-2018-2020: TSO – DSO – Consumer: Large-scale demonstrations of innovative grid services through demand response, storage and small-scale (RES) generation: dal 5 dicembre 2017 al 5 aprile 2018;
  • LC-SC3-ES-6-2019: Research on advanced tools and technological development: dal 5 settembre 2018 al 5 febbraio 2019;
  • LC-SC3-ES-7-2018: Pan-European Forum for R&I on Smart Grids, Flexibility and Local Energy Networks: dal 5 dicembre 2017 al 5 aprile 2018;
  • LC-SC3-ES-8-2019: European Islands Facility - Unlock financing for energy transitions and supporting islands to develop investment concepts: dal 5 settembre 2018 al 5 febbraio 2019;

Smart Cities and Communities

  • LC-SC3-SCC-1-2018-2019-2020: Smart Cities and Communitie: dal 5 dicembre 2017 al 5 aprile 2018; dal 5 settembre 2018 al 5 febbraio 2019; dal 7 maggio 2019 al 27 agosto 2019;

Enabling near-zero CO2 emissions from fossil fuel power plants and carbon intensive industries

  • LC-SC3-NZE-1-2018: Advanced CO2 capture technologies: dal 15 maggio 2018 al 6 settembre 2018;
  • CE-SC3-NZE-2-2018: Conversion of captured CO2: dal 15 maggio 2018 al 6 settembre 2018;
  • LC-SC3-NZE-3-2018: Strategic planning for CCUS development: dal 15 maggio 2018 al 6 settembre 2018;
  • LC-SC3-NZE-4-2019: Integrated solutions for flexible operation of fossil fuel power plants through power-to-X-to-power and/or energy storage: dal 7 maggio 2019 al 27 agosto 2019;
  • LC-SC3-NZE-5-2019-2020: Low carbon industrial production using CCUS: dal 7 maggio 2019 al 27 agosto 2019;

Joint Actions

  • LC-SC3-JA-1-2018: Joint programming actions to foster innovative energy solutions: dal 15 maggio 2018 all'11 settembre 2018;
  • LC-SC3-JA-2-2018: Support to the realisation of the Implementation Plans of the SET Plan: dal 15 maggio 2018 all'11 settembre 2018;
  • LC-SC3-JA-3-2019: European Pre-Commercial Procurement Programme for Wave Energy Research &Development: dal 14 novembre 2018 al 27 agosto 2019;
  • LC-SC3-JA-4-2018: Support action in preparation of a Joint Programming activity: dal 31 ottobre 2017 al 31 gennaio 2018;
  • LC-SC3-JA-5-2019: Joint Programming with EU and African partners for a R&I actions in the area of renewable energy: dal 14 novembre 2018 al 27 agosto 2019;

Cross-cutting issues

  • LC-SC3-CC-1-2018-2019-2020: Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) aspects of the Clean-Energy Transition: dal 15 maggio 2018 al 6 settembre 2018;
  • LC-SC3-CC-2-2018: Modelling in support to the transition to a Low-Carbon Energy System in Europe: dal 15 maggio 2018 al 6 settembre 2018;
  • LC-SC3-CC-3-2019: Support for the opening of low-carbon energy research databases in Europe: dal 14 novembre 2018 al 27 agosto 2019;
  • LC-SC3-CC-4-2018: Support to sectorial fora: dal 5 dicembre 2017 al 5 aprile 2018;
  • LC-SC3-CC-5-2018: Research, innovation and educational capacities for energy transition: dal 15 maggio 2018 al 6 settembre 2018;
  • LC-SC3-CC-6-2018: Transition in coal intensive regions: dal 15 maggio 2018 al 6 settembre 2018;

Le scadenze per il 2020 sono in corso di definizione.

> Programma di lavoro 2018-2020

Photo credit: Foter.com


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