Creative Europe: mobility scheme for artists and culture professionals - i-Portunus 2020/2021

Data chiusura
14 Mar 2021
Soggetto gestore
European Commission


i-Portunus is a project, selected and funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, to trial a mobility scheme for artists and culture professionals.

i-Portunus provides financial support to partially fund the cost of travel (transportation, accommodation etc.) to another (or several) Creative Europe country (/ies). The duration of the mobility must be between 7 and 60 days and must take place before 30 November 2021.

The travel can be continuous or segmented:

  • A continuous mobility means that you have one round-trip travel, or one multi-destination trip.
  • A segmented mobility means that you will travel several times to one or several destinations. Each trip must last a minimum of 5 days, and the total number of days still has to be between 7 and 60 days.

i-Portunus: Mobility in Literary Translation

This call for applications is open for literary translators, active in the field of literature (individuals or groups of up to 5 people). Aged 18+, of all educational qualifications and levels of experience, legally residing in a Creative Europe country.

The main objective of your mobility is preferably one of the following:

  • International collaboration: for example, with an author in the framework of a literary translation.
  • Production oriented residencies: for example, the result of your mobility can be the immersion in a specific ‘source language context’, in the framework of a literary translation.
  • Professional development: for example, you will take part in network meetings, showcases, workshops, master classes and other types of training outside of formal education.

i-Portunus: Mobility in Music

This call for applications is open for composers, musicians and singers, preferably in classical music, jazz and traditional music genres (individuals or groups of up to 5 people). Aged 18+, of all educational qualifications and levels of experience, legally residing in a Creative Europe country.

The main objective of your mobility is preferably one of the following:

  • International collaboration: for example, the finalisation of a composition through on-site, international collaboration between performers among each other or composers and performers.
  • Production oriented residencies: for example, the result of your mobility will be a presentation of a newly created body of work.
  • Professional development: for example, you will take part in network meetings, showcases, workshops, master classes and other types of training outside of formal education.

i-Portunus: Mobility in Architecture

This call for applications is open to architects and cultural professionals active in the field of architecture (individuals and groups up to 5 people). Aged 18+, of all educational qualifications and levels of experience, legally residing in a Creative Europe country.

The main objective of your mobility is preferably one of the following:

  • International collaboration: for example in the framework of an international project.   
  • Production oriented residencies: for example you will research on the spot and develop new designs in relation to the social and physical environment.
  • Professional development: for example you will take part in network meetings, showcases, workshops, master classes and other types of training outside of formal education, such as creative hubs.

The conditions for funding are the following:

  • A fixed amount of 350 EUR/person for transport.   
  • Per diems determined on a case‐by‐case basis depending on the duration of the mobility, and payable for each overnight stay between date of departure and date of return, with the amount depending on the destination country up to a maximum of 2.650 EUR/person.
  • Group 1- Destination: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, UK // Amount: 80 EUR/day
  • Group 2 - Destination: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, overseas countries & territories // Amount: 70 EUR/day
  • Group 3 - Destination: Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tunisia, Ukraine // Amount: 60 EUR/day
  • Multiple destinations in different groups // Amount: 70 EUR/day

The maximum amount of the whole grant is 3.000 EUR/person.

The total budget earmarked for the mobility support is estimated at 500.000 EUR. With this budget i‐Portunus expects to fund approximately 250 applications. i‐ Portunus reserves the right not to distribute all the funds available

i-Portunus: Mobility in Literary Translation

Submission Deadline: 28 february 2021 (18:00 CET)

i-Portunus: Mobility in Music

Submission Deadline: 28 february 2021 (18:00 CET)

i-Portunus: Mobility in Architecture

Submission Deadline: 14 march 2021 (18:00 CET)

All applications will be independently evaluated by two experts: one specialised in the origin country and sector of the applicant, and the other in the destination country(ies) and sector.

Beneficiari e Finalitá

Stato agevolazioni
Dimensione beneficiari
Non Applicabile
Formazione, Promozione, Inclusione social, Cooperazione
Ubicazione Investimento

Incentivi e Spese

Tipologia agevolazione
Creative Europe, I-Portunus, Culture professionals, Artists


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