7th European Innovation Summit


07 Dicembre 2015 10:00 - 10 Dicembre 2015 19:00

European Parliament

7th European Innovation Summit

The 7th European Innovation Summit (7th EIS) is Knowledge4Innovation's annual flagship event taking place in the European Parliment in Brussels. The 7th EIS is taking place under the framework of the K4I Forum of the European Parliment which includes more than 30 MEPs.

The Forum is chaired by Lambert van Nistelrooij MEP. Other members include Jerzy Buzek MEP, Vice-Chair, Chair of the ITRE Committee and former President of the European Parliement, and Vicky Ford MEP, Chair of the IMCO Committee. The 7th EIS will bring together more than 1000 innovation stakeholders from Europe.

The Summit will take place in multiple venues in the European Parliament in Brussels.

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