H2020 upcoming calls on Robotics and AI - Information and Brokerage day


26 Novembre 2019 00:00


H2020 upcoming calls on Robotics and AI - Information and Brokerage day

A Bruxelles, il 26 novembre 2019, la Commissione europea sta organizzando un info day sulla robotica e sull’Intelligenza Artificiale, "H2020 upcoming calls on Robotics and AI - Information and Brokerage day". Durante l'incontro verranno fornite tutte le informazioni utili per partecipare ai bandi Horizon 2020 in apertura il 19 novembre, ICT-46-2020: Robotics in Application Areas and Coordination & Support; ICT-47-2020: Research and Innovation boosting promising robotics applications; ICT-49-2020: Artificial Intelligence on demand platform; DT-ICT-12-2020: AI for the smart hospital of the future.

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