EU – ERANETMED, pre-announcement call 2016

The 2016 ERANETMED call will be published on March 21st eranetmed

> Interreg MED 2014-2020 - first call for modular projects

> Horizon 2020 - Environment, draft work programme 2016-2017


The main aim of the ERANETMED is to enhance Euro-Mediterranean co-ownership through innovation and competitive research in the societal challenges of the region. The project aims at reducing fragmentation of programming in the Mediterranean region by increasing coordination among national research programmes of European Member States, Associated Countries and Mediterranean Partner Countries.

The main goals addressed by the project will be:

  • establishing a framework for communication and coordination of programme owners and managers related to cooperation from Europe and Mediterranean Partner Countries;
  • strengthening Euro-Mediterranean R&I Cooperation promoting joint activities;
  • developing joint funding schemes and procedures between partners;
  • supporting long-term and stable Euro-Mediterranean cooperation;
  • strengthen Mediterranean Partner Countries capacities to enhance research and innovation and increase the impact of research on the socio-economic development of the region.

It also implies the achievement of coherence among research, policy and funding instruments to contribute to regional societal challenges, to have a real impact on the society and to establish synergies with other programmes and instruments.

Call 2016

The aim of the new call is to propose sustainable solutions for the environmental challenges of “Euro-Mediterranean vulnerable communities” intended as those communities leaving in areas – coastal zones or inland - in which local resources like biodiversity, land and water, energy or food are under serious threat by factors such as migration, environmental, socioeconomic factors etc.

> EU – funds to help Southern Neighbourhood regions

The call is co-funded by the following Euro-Mediterranean countries: Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Germany, Italy, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey and Spain (other countries may join before the official announcement of the Call).

Research teams from the above mentioned countries are eligible for funding, unless otherwise specified in national rules of funding agencies which will be published on the official launch of the joint call.

Proposals should be submitted from 21 March 2016 until 31 May 2016.

Photo credit: Jason OX4 via / CC BY-NC-SA

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